วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554


They are the symbols of royalty, strength and beauty are the national animal and India. We are certainly talking about tigers. Currently they are in the category of endangered animals as they were hunted by humans on a large scale for their skin incredible that takes the highest amount of money and their claws and teeth are the elements of decoration. Mass murder of their beautiful animal refused its population to the point that they are on the verge of extinction. Many wildlife reserves, national parks are all over the world to save this elegant animal from extinction.
The scientific name of the tiger is Pantera tigris and belongs to the phylum Chordata and class Mammalia. The order Carnivora and the family Felidae form the complete address of the tiger. Tiger is a native of southern and eastern Europe and the apex predator is a carnivore and force. The average size of the body of a tiger adult is 3.3 m and body weight may be 300 kg. Tigers can be easily identified by the presence of dark vertical stripes on the white fur and orange light under parts. The subspecies that includes the largest population of the tiger is the Bengal tiger and the largest tiger subspecies is the Siberian tiger. They are very well adapted to their habitat and can be found readily available in the Siberian taiga, grasslands and mangrove swamps. They love their land and to live alone to hunt for a great variety of animals for their food. When the prey becomes scarce not hesitate to attack the man. Of the nine subspecies of modern three tigers are completely extinguished and the remaining six shares in the category of animal extinction. Hunting and fragmentation are the main causes of their population reduction. Tigers as the worlds most popular and charismatic mega fauna.
The tiger is the word originated from the Greek word for the Tigris and the arrow refers to the speed of this animal. Tigers have been distributed in Asia from the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea to Siberia and Indonesia in the past. During the 19th century these extinct animals from western Asia and only small pockets of adjacent areas. Currently, the only island that provides shelter to the largest number of Sumatran tigers. The population of tigers is also present in India, China and Southeast Asia. Borneo is famous for hosting the fossils of tigers alone. Tigers prefer to live in those areas where the vegetation cover sufficient abundance of prey and water resources are available. Bengal tigers have a wide range of habitats. They live in damp, evergreen, semi evergreen forests of Assam, mangrove forests of the delta of the Ganges, the deciduous forests of Nepal and the thorn forests of the Western Ghats. They are good swimmers and enjoy playing with cold water and can swim continuously for up to 4 miles.
Tigers are believed to have evolved from a cat as tiger Panthera palaeosinensis whose remains were found in China and Java. It is believed that these cats were two million years ago in the Pleistocene and were lower than modern tigers. The earliest fossils of true tigers are believed to be 1.6 and 1.8 million years. The tigers are the most beautiful among all members of the family cat. They have rusty-brown to rust-brown fur coats with a white belly and a touch of white around the face and streaks of black or dark brown hair above the rusty red. The number of different bands depending on the subspecies, but each tiger has on average about a hundred lashes. The stripe pattern is characteristic of each subspecies of tiger, and is used for identification of subspecies. The striatum acts as a weapon of camouflage and helps the tiger to remain unseen in the vicinity of the prey and helps you get easy prey with less effort. The Tigers have a white spot on the back of the ears called ocelli, which acts as a social symbol and is found in all the big cats. The other characters are strongly built of tigers bounded legs and shoulders, just like the lions that help them to grasp and pull the prey heavier and bigger than their own bodies. The body size and body weight varies depending on the species. The tigers are always smaller than the males, and males are typically 1.7 times larger than females. This distinction is at the bottom of each subspecies of tigers. The skull of the tiger is very similar to that of the lion with some differences including more postorbital regions.
At the moment there are nine subspecies of tigers are recognized from which three are completely extinguished. These include the Bengal tiger or the real, the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, Sumatran tiger, the Siberian Tiger, South China tiger. These are the species of tigers that are present today and are looking for ways to increase the amount equivalent to that which occurred in the past. In 1977 the Government of China has approved a law to ban the mass killing of this animal is real, but it was too late and subspecies few had already faced extinction. The subspecies of tigers are extinct Bali tiger, the tiger of Java and the Caspian tiger. The hybridization of tigers has been initiated in the 19th century, when the lions and tigers were crossed and the resulting offspring were given the names and tigons ligers. This practice was first tried in zoo and is under strict control of the Chinese government. Liger is the result of crossing between male lion and a tiger and Tigon is the result of crossing between male tiger and female lion.
White Tiger is the result of a mutation in the gene known as chinchilla albinistic defined. The white tigers are rare in nature and are actually bred in zoos due to their popularity. The breeding of white tigers may also be responsible for inbreeding. The white tiger is not actually a subspecies, but due to the variation of color in particular Bengal tigers and one white tiger occurs in every 10,000 live births. The gene carrying this mutation is a recessive gene and is carried out by any of the two parents. Another type of mutation of the recessive gene is responsible for the birth of golden tabby tigers who have light hair golden yellow stripes and orange legs very weak. The golden tabby tiger population is only 30.
Tigers are solitary animals, but in reality they have well defined territories. The range of their territories depends on prey availability and access to females. The tiger's territory can vary up to 20 square kilometers, but males have larger territories which may extend up to 60-100 square miles. When a young tiger makes his territory you prefer an area near the territory of his mother, while young males prefer to have their territories in areas without any other male. Males are very violent and often fighting for females. Terrible violent clashes occur between males in particular when the female is in estrus and the death of the weaker opponents can also cause such as fighting. Tigers mark their territory by spraying urine, anal gland secretion, even scat. They also roar to defend their territories. Tigers usually prey on animals large and medium-sized which include chital, gaur, sambar, deer, wild boar and buffaloes. Sometimes they also hunt leopards, pythons to get their food. The old or injured tigers who are often able to hunt prey on humans, as the tigers of Sunderbans in India are man-eaters. Tigers also feed on vegetation to get their dietary fiber and fiber Slow match tree is favored. Tigers prefer to hunt at night alone or in groups and run at a speed of 49-65 kilometers per hour. On twenty hunt only one result in killing the prey. When hunting on larger animals tend to grab the throat with the help of front legs and the prey dies of strangulation. While preying on smaller animals that bite to the neck, often breaking the spinal cord or spinal cord puncture.
Pairs in tigers may occur during the tear, but the most preferred months are November and April. The females are receptive only for a short duration and, in this period, the pair must take place. A pair of mating copulation frequently and loudly as other cats and gestation period is 16 weeks. The number of offspring produced can be 3-4 and each weighing 1 kg, blind and helpless. The tiger takes part in care of the young and the father does not take part in parental care. After five months, the tiger will again give rise to another set of puppies will be lost if the previous ones. The young leave the nest after 8 weeks and are ready to follow their mother. There is a single dominant puppy in the litter of both sexes. The cubs remain with their mother until they are two and a half years. Females reach maturity at the age of 3-4 years and males at the age of 4-5 years. During his life complete, the female gives birth to an equal number of male and female pups.
The mass killing of tigers for their skin and the destruction of their natural habitat are responsible for the decline of tiger population. The report said that at the beginning of the 20th century, the total 100,000 population of tigers and is' reduced to only 2,000 in the wild. India is believed to house the world's largest population of tigers. According to a report by the World Wildlife Fund out of 3,500 tigers in 1400 around the world are in India. A major project called Project Tiger was launched in 1973 with Indira Gandhi's efforts to save these animals real and is running successfully to date. Many national parks have already been established in India for the conservation of tigers. Not only in India but all over the world, measures have been taken to save this beautiful animal from extinction.
Tigers are a symbol of strength and are the source of terror. Yet look dangerous, but do our beautiful jungle. Come, let us save our tigers from extinction.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Can You Install Windows on a Mac Computer?

Love your Mac elegant design, multimedia programs, and operating system free from viruses, but just can not run Windows applications without '? Yes, it's a situation that many of us face computer user, what should you do when you own and love using a Mac but your job requires you to access windows? Many people have jobs that rely on Microsoft Access, Outlook, Windows-based 3-D graphics software, Adobe Photoshop or any other piece of Windows corporate-ware. Now, as these people do not really want to buy two separate systems are left asking the question "Can You Install Windows on a Mac? And the answer is yes my friend. You can easily run Windows on a Mac and Windows programs to run with the Mac, there are a couple ways to do this, and I will illustrate them below ...
Since Apple's transition to Intel processors in 2006, to run Windows applications on the Mac beautifully. Every Mac sold now qualifies, but older Macs can not. You can run any Windows program and even the best of Windows to play games in 3-D on your Mac with the right tools. Now there are two ways to run Windows programs on a Mac, either way it requires the user to install Windows on a Mac are:
1. The boot to Windows at startup - This is dedicated to 100% of the power of transforming Windows applications and Windows. The only problem is that you can not use Mac OS X and Mac applications until you reboot.
2. Use virtualization software - This allows you to run Mac OS X and Windows side. You can switch between them as easily as you'd switch between Mac applications
The first option is known as the duel boot means you have more than one operating system installed on your system. When the computer starts, it prompts and asks which operating system you want. To perform this procedure you can use a program called Boot Camp that is available for download from Apple. The problem with this way is that you need to re-boot in order to switch between Mac and Windows. Now, depending on what you do and how you work, or is this a minor inconvenience or a big deal.
You see you can not copy and paste between Mac and Windows programs. And when you want to run a Windows program, you must close everything you were working, turn off your Mac and reboot into Windows - and then reverse the process when you're done. This can become very annoying in terms of time and if you need to move regularly between the two operating systems. So what is the solution to this problem?
It is here that the second option seems much more attractive, virtualization! Virtualization, also known as Virtual Computing, allows you to run an operating system within an operating system. It uses software to emulate the PC hardware and create a "virtual machine" that runs alongside the Mac operating system, giving instant access to all Windows applications you want. This means that you can run both Windows and Mac programs side by side and switch seamlessly between the two. The best virtualization software market is issued by Parallels Software, and the great thing is that their program is free to download, so you can start programs that are running Windows on a Mac today! If you use Microsoft Office for work and often need access to Windows applications alongside Mac virtualization software then is the way to go.
So if you were wondering, you can install Windows on a Mac, then wonder no more as your dream come true. You have two options available to you, you can use the duel boot or grab some good virtualization software, most users find the most affordable virtualization path as you'll be running programs in Windows with the original Mac and the Mac side side programs. For a deeper look at how the two work methods and tools needed to run Windows on a Mac, visit the link below ...
You need to run Windows on a Mac? Do not worry, it can be done quite easily with the right tools, learn more about how to run Windows on the Mac and make the switch today! Personally I use virtualization to run windows programs and play those games on my Mac glorious Windows The program is using Parallels Desktop 4.0, is free to download, and that will allow you to run both Windows and Mac Side By Side programs, allowing access to the best of both worlds!

วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Perfect Clothes for Dogs

dog lovers to buy dog clothes for several reasons. It depends on many factors must be considered. Ladies keep the person from harm, cuts, bad climates, or just a way to show your personality. It 'the same with dogs.
As people have become more of a pet lover, dogs industries has evolved over time and these include clothes for pets, dogs, dog groomers, dog sitters, etc. Today, dogs are considered family members, guards, workers, or even a person without their owners'. Like any family, but also require adequate attention and care. They also have medical, dietary restrictions, play time, rest time and lots of other special treatments.
Dog clothing manufacturers to reach the feelings and desires of the animal lovers. Keep in mind that dogs are pets with bright personalities. Like humans, what they wear reflects their personality and that of their masters, as well.
clothes for animals are also more fashion oriented. As human beings precisely dress for all occasions, as well as their pets. The producers made specially designed and fashionable clothes for their pets for Halloween, Christmas, weddings, etc.
Canines that are in military law, the application have their own trendy clothing for dogs. Their clothes are specially designed to protect against attacks and environmental adaptation. Dogs need to be heated especially when you get old. Their metabolic rate slows, thus decreasing its ability to tolerate the cold environment.
Cultural differences also affect the master of their styles and trends in dog clothing. For dogs that Asians living in a tropical country, does not really need clothes hairy warming because we live in a country naturally warm. For dogs that live in cold weather, their clothes are too smart to protect them against cold.
Wear your dogs are available in different sizes and shapes depending on their race, and environmental factors. There are no standard sizes for dog clothing. And 'because dogs have different breeds and sizes. In order to get the right fit, bring your dog with you to shop.