วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Can You Install Windows on a Mac Computer?

Love your Mac elegant design, multimedia programs, and operating system free from viruses, but just can not run Windows applications without '? Yes, it's a situation that many of us face computer user, what should you do when you own and love using a Mac but your job requires you to access windows? Many people have jobs that rely on Microsoft Access, Outlook, Windows-based 3-D graphics software, Adobe Photoshop or any other piece of Windows corporate-ware. Now, as these people do not really want to buy two separate systems are left asking the question "Can You Install Windows on a Mac? And the answer is yes my friend. You can easily run Windows on a Mac and Windows programs to run with the Mac, there are a couple ways to do this, and I will illustrate them below ...
Since Apple's transition to Intel processors in 2006, to run Windows applications on the Mac beautifully. Every Mac sold now qualifies, but older Macs can not. You can run any Windows program and even the best of Windows to play games in 3-D on your Mac with the right tools. Now there are two ways to run Windows programs on a Mac, either way it requires the user to install Windows on a Mac are:
1. The boot to Windows at startup - This is dedicated to 100% of the power of transforming Windows applications and Windows. The only problem is that you can not use Mac OS X and Mac applications until you reboot.
2. Use virtualization software - This allows you to run Mac OS X and Windows side. You can switch between them as easily as you'd switch between Mac applications
The first option is known as the duel boot means you have more than one operating system installed on your system. When the computer starts, it prompts and asks which operating system you want. To perform this procedure you can use a program called Boot Camp that is available for download from Apple. The problem with this way is that you need to re-boot in order to switch between Mac and Windows. Now, depending on what you do and how you work, or is this a minor inconvenience or a big deal.
You see you can not copy and paste between Mac and Windows programs. And when you want to run a Windows program, you must close everything you were working, turn off your Mac and reboot into Windows - and then reverse the process when you're done. This can become very annoying in terms of time and if you need to move regularly between the two operating systems. So what is the solution to this problem?
It is here that the second option seems much more attractive, virtualization! Virtualization, also known as Virtual Computing, allows you to run an operating system within an operating system. It uses software to emulate the PC hardware and create a "virtual machine" that runs alongside the Mac operating system, giving instant access to all Windows applications you want. This means that you can run both Windows and Mac programs side by side and switch seamlessly between the two. The best virtualization software market is issued by Parallels Software, and the great thing is that their program is free to download, so you can start programs that are running Windows on a Mac today! If you use Microsoft Office for work and often need access to Windows applications alongside Mac virtualization software then is the way to go.
So if you were wondering, you can install Windows on a Mac, then wonder no more as your dream come true. You have two options available to you, you can use the duel boot or grab some good virtualization software, most users find the most affordable virtualization path as you'll be running programs in Windows with the original Mac and the Mac side side programs. For a deeper look at how the two work methods and tools needed to run Windows on a Mac, visit the link below ...
You need to run Windows on a Mac? Do not worry, it can be done quite easily with the right tools, learn more about how to run Windows on the Mac and make the switch today! Personally I use virtualization to run windows programs and play those games on my Mac glorious Windows The program is using Parallels Desktop 4.0, is free to download, and that will allow you to run both Windows and Mac Side By Side programs, allowing access to the best of both worlds!

